Platformers are one of the most popular genres in all of gaming. They have become a staple in the industry ever since Super Mario Bros. arrived on the scene. There is something special about running, jumping and traversing through digital worlds which are full of peril.
No doubt the 80’s and 90’s can boast having released some of the greatest platforming games ever made. But the great thing about video games as a medium is that developers are always pushing the limits. Constantly improving gameplay, visuals and the overall gaming experience. The last twenty years have shown that great platforming is not dead. Not even close. Here are our three picks for best platformers of the new millennium.
Rayman Origins
You all remember Rayman right? He has been around for awhile. Well don’t get it twisted…Rayman Origins is not like the Rayman games of old (you know…like the 90’s). This game breathed a whole new life into the franchise. The art direction and execution was astounding. But the level design…goodness gracious. Here’s the deal. Lots of games have ‘good’ level design. But very few games have ‘exceptional’ level design. Environment elements are thoughtfully and meticulously placed. This makes jumping and moving through the world feel absolutely incredible. The levels also support up to four players and the game never skips a beat. And just for good measure…you can also slap your friends silly in-game. Talk about the cherry on top.

Ori and the Blind Forest
You want beautiful atmosphere combined with stellar gameplay? Look no further. Ori and the Blind Forest is the game for you. The environments in this game are absolutely stunning. The parallax background effects are on a whole different level. Little details like leaves falling and foliage blowing in the wind add an extra layer of visual immersion that most games cannot replicate. The gameplay is also really good. Unlocking abilities opens up this beautiful digital world even more. New skills make way for new platforming challenges and access to new areas. This game is also really hard. You will die…many times. But who cares? You just get to play it longer.

New Super Mario Bros.
Well, well. It seems the godfather of platforming decided to make an appearance. We know having a Mario game on this list might seem like a bit of a cop-out. But truth be told…this is a special game. The level design is incredible. The controls are superb. The whole feel of the game is on point. But what really makes this game so spectacular is the homage it pays to the original Mario 2D platformers…while expanding on the classic formula. New gameplay elements, crazy good new enemy designs and more interactive environments. Love old school Mario games? Cool. Play this game. It will blow your mind in the best way possible.

Well there you have it. Our list of the top three platformers of the new millennium (so far). Rayman Origins, Ori and the Blind Forest and New Super Mario Bros. are all really, really good. Like really good. If you haven’t played them…you should definitely check them out. Chances are you will have a hard time putting any one of these three games down. They set the bar higher for the entire platforming genre. Good news is the millennium is just getting started. It is going to be crazy to see where platformers go from here.
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