Guacamelee!: Fresh Art & Fun Combat

guacamelee title screen

Guacamelee! is a 2D Metroidvania game initially released by DrinkBox Studios in 2013. The game was met with incredible reception, earning high review scores. In 2014 DrinkBox released an enhanced version of the game, Guacamelee!: Super Turbo Championship Edition (which we played for the purposes of this article).

Guacamelee! features a nice mix of platforming and brawling alongside an interesting story set in a fictitious Mexican town. Throughout the course of the game the player will upgrade their character and skills to complete missions. The game also features a creative living/dead polarity mechanic, which changes platforming and puzzle challenges in real time.

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Screenshot from Guacamelee! (STCE).

There is a lot to like about Guacamelee!. But one of the things that immediately stands out about this game is the art style. The graphics look like they were meticulously hand drawn (and digitized of course), which is a welcome change from the pixel art status quo typically associated with this game genre. Subtle, detailed backgrounds combined with a bold, bright color scheme bring the Southwest-inspired virtual world to life. The art direction is thoughtful and well executed, creating a visual experience unlike any other game out there.

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Screenshot from Guacamelee! (STCE).

Something else Guacamelee! got right was the combat. Smashing enemies with wrestling-inspired chain attacks is really satisfying. And it only gets better the longer you play. The combat system is surprisingly deep, with the player constantly expanding their skills through unlocks. As the player’s skills evolve, more of the game world seems to organically open up. This makes revisiting areas a worthwhile endeavor. Before long you are an unstoppable force. Punching, throwing and slamming hordes of enemies to your heart’s delight.  

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Screenshot from Guacamelee! (STCE).

We bet if you spend a little time with Guacamelee! you will love it. It understands and embraces its Metroidvania roots with challenging platforming and an open world feel. The exceptional art execution is unmatched. Combat evolves over time to make you feel like the biggest, baddest luchador on the planet. And it is glorious.

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