How Devil May Cry Changed the Action Game Genre


Devil May Cry is a 3D action-adventure game released on the Playstation 2 by Capcom in 2001. The main character is Dante, a half-devil human who hunts demons using swords and guns. Throughout the game the player will encounter a variety of enemies, bosses and puzzles. Devil May Cry is highly regarded for its stylized blend of melee and ranged combat, which resulted in a number of sequels being released for the game franchise over the years.

Devil May Cry is known for being one of the first 3D hack-and-slash games. In 2001, 3D action games were a relatively new phenomenon. But Devil May Cry is not just an action game. In combat situations it plays like an arcade fighting game. Twitch-based gameplay and chain attacks allow the player is dispose of enemies at a high clip. Even with the static camera system (which would be improved in later sequels) the combat flows really well. Devil May Cry successfully brought 2D beat ’em up gameplay into the 3D world of gaming.

Screenshot from Devil May Cry (HD Collection).

One of the reasons the combat feels so good in Devil May Cry has to do with the tight controls. Movement feels really good. Just running around and jumping is a treat. Taking a page out of the 2D beat ’em up playbook, the controls are simple and uncomplicated. One button to swing your sword, another to fire your gun. Mashing buttons in quick succession will result in devastating combo attacks. Chaining attacks together never feels tedious. Capcom clearly spent some time dialing in the controls to achieve an intuitive response, and it shines through in the gameplay.

Screenshot from Devil May Cry (HD Collection).

In addition to the combat feeling and flowing good, it also looks really cool. The player can switch between dual pistols and a sword in the blink of an eye. Exaggerated and heightened jumps allow for elusiveness in combat. The player can easily strike and launch enemies off the ground, pummeling them to their heart’s content while airborne. When the Devil Trigger is unlocked, Dante will deal even more damage for a short time while taking on a demonic appearance. Pairing together the basic attacks allows for some very creative and stylized demon smashing. Devil May Cry even awards a ‘style rank’ at the end of each mission for your efforts.

Screenshot from Devil May Cry (HD Collection).

Devil May Cry took 3D action games to the next level in 2001. Combat was the focus, and it delivered in spades. Ushering in the hack-and-slash gameplay we have all come to love was made possible by tight controls and intuitive, stylized combat. Quick, responsive, powerful and fun. Devil May Cry was a true original and helped pave the way for other amazing games like God of War and Darksiders. Maybe it is time we give the devil his due.

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