The release of Halo Infinite is right around the corner. We are huge fans and excited for the latest game installment. It is no secret that Halo is one of the most successful first-person shooter game franchises in history. The first game (Halo: Combat Evolved) was released on the original Xbox in 2001. While the basic gameplay formula that made the original so successful has stayed (relatively) the same, the weapons have evolved a bit over the years.
We could go on and on talking about all the things that make Halo great. The maps, vehicles, campaign, multiplayer, etc. But we will save those topics for future posts. Today it is all about the weapons. Specifically our three (3) favorite Halo weapons of all-time.

The first weapon up is the Battle Rifle. This human infantry weapon fires a powerful three-round burst and it comes stock with a 2x scope. Perfect for picking off enemies and multiplayer opponents. What we really like about this gun is the sweet mix of power and range. It deals a healthy amount of damage and the scope makes it relatively precise at mid (to somewhat far) range. With that said, it is not as accurate as the Sniper Rifle. And the burst fire cooldown takes a little getting used to at first. But make no mistake, the Battle Rifle is serviceable and effective in just about any combat scenario.

You know what pairs nicely with the mid-range Battle Rifle? The Energy Sword. This Covenant sword is probably the coolest looking Halo weapon ever. And it deals a nasty amount of damage in close-quarter combat. Each time a successful strike is landed the sword will lose ten percent of its energy. So after ten hits it is basically useless. It is important to note the degradation of the Energy Sword was not always this way. It used to be infinite, responsible for a ridiculous amount of multiplayer killstreaks in Halo 2. Even though the Energy Sword has been nerfed over the years, it is still the best melee weapon in the game. A successful slash will drain your opponent’s health with ease.

Alright. So we have covered the best mid-range weapon and the best melee weapon. Now it is time to round out our list. Last but certainly not least we have the Plasma Grenade. Many online players know this glowing beauty as the ‘Sticky Grenade’. This Covenant weapon is very effective in combat. After tossing it towards an unsuspecting enemy (or object), this glowing ball of death will fixate wherever it lands. Shortly thereafter it will explode. The Plasma Grenade obviously deals a crazy amount of damage too. But the ‘sticky’ factor is the reason it made our list. There is nothing more satisfying than planting one of these bad boys on an opponent’s head and waiting for the inevitable fireworks.
So there you have it. Our three favorite weapons from Halo. The Battle Rifle, Energy Sword and Plasma Grenade. This is by far our favorite loadout in the game. The perfect mix of accuracy, fun and devastating power. Even though there have been some changes to these weapons over the years, they still get the job done. And they will definitely help you ‘finish the fight’.
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