There are lots of new games constantly being released. There are more games than ever to choose from. While playing new games is cool…a lot of folks (including us) still enjoy playing classic retro games.
Today we decided to take a look at Ninja Gaiden on the NES. This game is a true classic. And for good reason. There is just a lot to love about this game. It does so many things well…which makes for a fun and memorable game experience. We will focus on the things that stand out the most to us.
So…let’s get started…
One of the most memorable things about Ninja Gaiden are the cinematics. The artwork, storyboarding and shot selection is simply amazing. Not a lot of other games of this era were pushing the limits in storytelling like Ninja Gaiden. You have to remember this game was released in 1988. That is over 30 years ago.

The controls in Ninja Gaiden are pretty basic. Move, jump, wall climb, attack, special attack. The attack and jump feel really good. The level design is solid and timing jumps is critical. Traversing up and down through the environments is fun. You feel like a ninja when you are moving and slashing through the game. Mission accomplished developers.

Power-ups & Special Attacks
Special attacks and power-ups are readily available in Ninja Gaiden. They come in extremely helpful…especially due to the difficult enemy placement that you encounter throughout the game. Each one is unique and useful. While some are better than others (looking at you spinning fireball shield)…each one has its usefulness.

Ninja Gaiden is an all-time classic. The cinematics, gameplay and difficulty all work together in perfect harmony. Yeah…you might want to throw your controller across the room from time to time (looking at you hawk enemy). We get that. But when you are playing this game…you feel like an unstoppable ninja. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Hopefully you enjoyed this post about Ninja Gaiden. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks for reading!
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