
New video games are constantly being released. Here is where we talk about some of the really good ones.

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Lockout: The Best Halo Slayer Map (So Far)

Halo multiplayer is an absolute blast. The game modes, maps and weapons work together in perfect harmony to deliver one of the best competitive shooter game experiences around. Much of the longstanding success of Halo’s multiplayer can be attributed to the incredible maps. And there are a lot of them to choose from. Today we are going to focus on the best Slayer map ever made. Lockout from Halo 2.

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3 Reasons Why Downwell Is So Good

Downwell is a game we have been playing a lot lately. Released by Moppin in 2015, this relatively small game features some big gameplay for the price point. It is an absolute blast and will keep you coming back for more.

3 Best Platformer Games of the New Millennium (So Far)

No doubt the 80’s and 90’s can boast having released some of the greatest platforming games ever made. The last twenty years have shown that great platforming is not dead. Not even close. Here are our three picks for best platformers of the new millennium.