Do Not Undervalue Your Indie Game

Welcome to 2020. A new decade filled with new opportunities. Exciting stuff. With so much opportunity on the horizon…we thought it was a good time to talk about why you should not undervalue your indie games (or other creative offerings).

There are a lot of indie games on the market with really low price points. It is a very strange phenomenon. It is almost like developers feel they need to price their games really low to get sales. We could not disagree more.

We understand that some folks might not agree with our perspective here. We are cool with that. We understand all the big fancy business terms like “commercial viability” and “sea of red”. But this article isn’t about all the theories your college professor told you were fact. This article is about creators seeing value in their hard work and accomplishments.

So let’s get into it…

Time Is Money

Building and releasing games is a whole lot of work. It takes hours upon hours of effort and execution to make it happen. So why in the world would you undervalue your creation? You believed in the project enough to finish it. You should value your time. You only get so much of it.

Sweating the Competition

Oh yes…so many indie games. So much competition. So scary. One of the coolest things about indie games is how unique each offering is. You might be making a pixel-art roguelike. Yes, there are other games like this. But instead of sweating the competition…focus on what makes your game special and different. Push those aspects (art, mechanics, etc) of your game to potential players. Chances are they will think those parts of your game are cool as well.

screenshot from level 1 of martian law video game
Screenshot of Martian Law game.

Nobody Knows About My Game

Obscurity sucks. We get it. But here’s the deal…that is not the game’s fault. You just need to tell more people about it. You finished a game you believed in. That means it has value. Don’t just throw all that hard work away because getting sales is tough right now. Keep telling people about the game. Eventually things will pick up for you…but you must be relentless. And remember…you can always work on a new project AND keep promoting past projects.

Players Will Dig Your Game

Not everyone is going to like your game. This is fine. This is normal. Different strokes for different folks. But you must understand that the world is a very big place and a whole lot of people are going to enjoy your game. They will think it is cool. They will think it is fun. These are the players who are going to buy your game. Don’t doubt yourself or your creation. You poured your heart and soul into building and releasing a game. Players understand this. Players see this. Players will pay you for your hard work.

screenshot from level 2 of martian law video game
Screenshot of Martian Law game.

So there you have it. If you created a game (or something else) you believe in…remember it has value. Please do not forget this. You spent time building something really cool and you deserve to be compensated for your contributions to this universe.

Hopefully you enjoyed this post. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thanks for reading!

Be sure to check out our latest game Martian Law on Steam (PC).