Examples of Simple and Addicting Game Design

Game design is fascinating stuff. There are countless examples of games (both big and small) that are an absolute blast to play. Today we are going to talk about some of the small games. Not really a big surprise…considering those are the types of games we develop.

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Retro Game Classics: Tetris (NES)

Tetris is an all-time classic. This timeless game franchise has remained relevant for over three decades. Today we are taking a look at Tetris on the NES. The gameplay is addicting and the music is on point. There is just a lot to love about this game.

Do Not Undervalue Your Indie Game

Welcome to 2020. A new decade filled with new opportunities. Exciting stuff. With so much opportunity on the horizon…we thought it was a good time to talk about why you should not undervalue your indie games (or other creative offerings).


Retro Game Classics: Double Dragon (NES)

Double Dragon on the NES was an incredible beat ’em up game. It was one of the earliest entries in the genre. Over the years beat ’em ups have evolved and become more complex. Despite all the advancements…Double Dragon has stood the test of time.

Build the Game You Want to Build

Starting a new game project is exciting. The creative juices are flowing. But what type of game should you build? There are so many different game genres out there to choose from. We think the answer is pretty simple. Build the game you want to build.


Retro Game Classics: Prince of Persia (PC)

It is time to take a look at another classic retro game. This time we are looking at Prince of Persia on the PC (MS-DOS). When you spend a little time with this game…it is easy to understand why many consider it to be one of the best platformers of all-time.


Retro Game Classics: Ninja Gaiden (NES)

There are lots of new games constantly being released. There are more games than ever to choose from. While playing new games is cool…a lot of folks (including us) still enjoy playing classic retro games. Today we decided to take a look at Ninja Gaiden on the NES. This game is a true classic.

The Rise of Indie Games

The AAA games of today are huge productions. They are bigger and better than ever. Blockbuster games feature stunning graphics, deep game systems, elaborate storylines and multiplayer modes. Large studios are using technology to build the most immersive video game experiences the world has ever seen.

Scope Your Video Game and Eliminate Feature Creep

Scoping any kind of video game is tough. Feature (or scope) creep is a real thing. It happens at large AAA studios…and it happens at small indie studios. Game releases get pushed back and sometimes games never get released at all.

Martian Law is Available Now on Steam!

Linclo Games is proud to announce Martian Law is now available on Steam (PC). Martian Law is a challenging arcade shooter with classic gameplay and simple mechanics. Perfect for a quick gaming session. Responsive twin stick controls on gamepad (recommended) or use keyboard and mouse.